www.nytimes.com/2007/01/17/business/17leonhardt.html (a little out of date but you get the point ;)
I belong to a site which I enjoy for the inspiration more than anything, but I like some of the people there...however, some of the people there drive me insane! They are so hypocritical!! OMG! They have been going on and on about how they dislike Obama and his tax ideas and how he will be bad for the country....how people only voted for him because he is black (blah blah blah)....and they rave about Bush and how great he was.
Well there are a LOT of forces wives on there - many of whom have husbands who are away - and I understand that must be difficult - just like those women here in Canada who have husbands working away (I'm sorry, but to me a career in the forces is NO different to a career in any other job where you work away for long periods of time - its a choice and I have yet to find anyone who went into the forces because it was a 'calling' - the same way I never met a nurse who went into it because it was a 'calling'....and I've met a LOT of people in the forces.....
Anyway...my point is (yes I'm getting there slowly ...that these women are going on and on about their taxes and how their precious taxes are going to pay this bail out and how they are struggling as it is blah blah yet LOOK at what has been wasted in IRAQ!!!!! and look at how much of their precious taxes goes towards the military!!!! OMG!!!! It's something insane like 43% or something!!! It varies year to year but it's something crazy.......but they don't mention that the amount spent on the bailouts is NOTHING compared to what got the country INTO the debt in the first place which was the bloody MILITARY!!!! and IRAQ and all that wasted money!!!! That doesn't even get mentioned......lets just blame Obama who is trying to get them OUT of the mess shall we????????
1 day ago