10 hours ago
May 9, 2009
Grow op 2009.....
Developments with our grow op. this year.......things are going well and should be all set to be transplanted into the garden in a few weeks. The garden has been rotatilled all ready and is all composted ready. Our strawberries outside are doing well and we have new strawberries growing ready inside too that should do well NEXT year...they are just babies this year. We have two kinds of pumpkins growing, peppers, melons, I also have Lupins and Echinacea, apple trees, a type of Clematis that we already have growing at the side of the house, tomatoes, Sweet peas, sun flowers......I can't remember what else we have growing. We also have several other things ready to go straight into the ground in a week or so. I love my wide windowsills - they're perfect!! I WILL be glad when the plants all go outside though ;)