10 hours ago
May 9, 2009
On the move....with more Day Lillies.....
Lloyd has been busy digging out the front flower bed that was right in front of the house, as this week the front steps will be built and we want grassed lawn on both sides of the front steps instead of plants. Last year we started this process by giving away a lot of the day lillies and moving what we couldn't give away. They spread sooooo FAST!! So this year Lloyd has moved a lot of them (another EIGHT groups of them) down to the pond where he has planted them in amongst the bushes that grow along the top edge. We also have a lot of them in my main flower garden by the big rock. They are very pretty when they flower, and the Hummingbirds do love them, but they take over, and their roots go CRAZY!!!
Well Bertha the Tractor has been busy today anyway, and had to be careful as I didn't want my Honeysuckle's roots damaged!!!