11 hours ago
Aug 8, 2009
Sams friends...
Sam's little buddies are just EVERYWHERE this year....you can't walk without a sea of them jumping out of your way...it is just sooooo DRY here. The bugs are destroying all the crops for the farmers :(
There is now barely any water in our pond at all. Alberta is cattle country and that is being cut by a third at least because farmers are getting rid of their cattle because they can't afford to feed them now because the hay has not grown. Hay will now be sooooo expensive this year that they can't afford to feed their cattle. The government are stepping in with financial aid for cattle farmers but they say by the end of September they are going to have to help the agricultural sector too because nothing grew!!!
We had a frost two nights ago and all our peas got hit - our potato tops look hard hit too - not sure if it will have effected the actual potatoes but the tops are all damaged :( So the only two things that grew anyway are now ruined probably. It was really a bad year - and last year we did soooooooo well! We finally have some tomatoes growing but they are still green. No more frosts for a while please!!!
What a crappy year for growing!!!