Dec 27, 2009

Sunday ramblings....

We're heading out to Elk Island Park for a few hours today...continuing to enjoy the warmer weather and avoid the chaos at the stores.

I'm thinking I might drag out the old snow shoes today and head out for a trek in those later!!!

I'm planning on joining in with "52-10" an online course on Dollys Dreamings blog!!  It starts a few days before my current class finishes!!

I'm tired today and my arms ache and feel heavy - I'm wondering if thats from Christmas Eve when I had to stand up and be a human X as part of the silly Quelf board game we were playing!  I think a long walk at Elk will be good!

I'm so happy Lloyd has another week off of work.  It's a lovely relaxed feeling to know he is home for so long!

I'm thinking towards New books to homeschooling routines....

I loved looking out at the ice fog this morning - what a beautiful start to the day.  I'm glad it didn't last long though and we now have another beautiful sunny Alberta day.

I'm enjoying these quiet after-Christmas days of lazing about and relaxing and not having to do anything much at all :)  Able to enjoy our Christmas gifts, our home and each other.
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