Dec 3, 2009

Thursday Thirteen

Part of the Thursday Thirteen challenge!!!

Thirteen things I have to do today:

1.  send my Christmas cards

2.  Do yesterdays AND todays pages for JYC/ December daily

3.  get dinner in the crockpot (bbq chicken)

4.  clean the windows

5.  return library books

6.  buy something to wear tomorrow night

7.  have coffee out with Lloyd

8.  pick Chris up from his speech competition

9.  get out of bed (yep being lazy lol)

10.  laundry - only one load to do though!!

11.  put out a few more Christmas decorations

12.  Check Abbys school work and continue reading up on the next science unit.

13.  check the mail box!!  I had an email to say something has arrived :)

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