Jan 28, 2010

Another 2010 goal met!!

Lloyd surprised me on Tuesday as he had Fed-exed a tin of caviar to us!!  It was one of my goals to try caviar this year as I have never tried it!  I always see it on tv and in movies - especially in one of my favourite movies 'You've Got Mail'  where Joe Fox steals the caviar 'garnish'...

I was making myself a piece of toast around 5pm Tuesday and Lloyd started fiddling with something on the island - I wasn't paying much attention and then he handed me something that looked like a tin of shoe polish!  I didn't really focus on it and he was mumbling about something....and then I realised what it was!!!!  It was sooooo funny!  I was thrilled!  So excited!  I couldn't wait to try it :)  The caviar came with a pack of these little pancake type things that you eat it with - so we all tried a bit.  My first mouthful I think I had a bit too much caviar and too little pancake and it was DISGUSTING!!

OMG it was soooooo fishy and YUCK!  I just ran to the sink and was sick!  And of course Lloyd was taking pictures of me trying my first taste of caviar!!!! hahahaha  It was GROSS!!!  I am so glad I didn't try it in a restaurant!!

So then I tried another bit - a smaller bit of caviar on a bigger bit of the pancakey stuff - and then it was really nice! I really liked it!  It isn't something I would go out of my way to have - but I wouldn't NOT eat it!

But I am 38 and I HAVE had caviar :)

Susannah and Laurence were NOT impressed.  But they are 12 and 14 and have already tried caviar and I'm pleased.  I think it's important to try these things.  Be adventurous!!  You only live once and life is short!

Ok...so.....whats next????????
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