Apr 16, 2010

cold turkey....

I've decided to cut sugar out from my coffee from now on.  As Val will know - I always have sugar in my coffee.  I don't drink pop (cola's etc etc) and I don't drink filter coffee at home (only instant) but my downfall is sugar (or artificial sweeteners).  

Since drinking the green monsters and working out though, I've found the sugar far too sweet and felt that drinking artificial sweeteners went against everything good I was doing for my body - and so I decided to cut both from my diet.  

So today is day three with no sugar or artificial sweeteners in my coffee and so far I have to say I prefer my coffee without!!  So strange as I've always hated drinking coffee with no sugar.

Mind you - I've stopped drinking coffee when I'm out - I haven't had coffee at Timmys for AGES - I always order water now.  I've cut down the amount of coffee I'm drinking at home because I find with my green monsters it makes me want to drink healthier and want water more....

In the evenings with working out I certainly don't feel like having coffee..

Because I'm not as hungry any more I'm not eating as many snacks so I'm not eating as much sugar that way either - and again in the evenings.

So far so good......

On another bright note....22c is the forecast for today!!  Woohoo!!!  Get outside and enjoy everyone!!!  
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