Jun 25, 2010

Second Prize....

Well, we didn't quite live up to our team name of 'Second Prize' last night at the pub quiz night....we ended up getting an honourable mention at the end of the night for coming last.....hahahahaha!!  That said, it was soooo much fun and it couldn't really be helped when most of the questions were asking who certain soccer players were and we had answers like 'Mr Hottie shows us your Botty'!!  We didn't know any of the answers last night...music, movies, sports, news.....oh dear!!  But the fries were good :)  The company was fun and it's funny to be surrounded by a lot of British and Irish accents....

That said, you don't have to be British to join us...plenty of Canadians there too and we need ALL the help we can get.  Teams of up to 6 can join in and we only had three!!  It's every Thursday (not Canada Day though) and it starts just after 9pm.  Come and join us!!
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