Aug 31, 2011

First day of our homeschooling year....

So far it has been a great is a lovely cool Fall-like day.  Perfect for that back-to-school feel :)
I was up at 6am and sat watching the sunrise which was quite beautiful.  

After Susannah and Laurence had left for school, it wasn't long before Abigail was up.  She set to work on her books while I showered - she loves her workbooks....we have a big basket of workbooks and they can basically pick from the basket each morning depending on what they feel like doing...Abigail did some work in her dice mathematics book, Language arts books, creative writing, and a couple of other books....she helped Sam with some of his work at times too when I was busy with laundry etc.  

Abigail also helped make waffles - and covered fractions as we didn't have a 3/4 cup.  

Sam watched his Word factory dvd and a dinosaur show again.  We played a spelling/ word recognition game. 

 I cleaned the fridge and oven...some windows/ baseboards and a few other chores.  We ran to the store for milk.  Abby did some art - she's working on a  canvas of horses.  

We decluttered more of the kitchen drawers ready for the big bin.  I really need to get this place tidied up  so it's ready to show.  

A new school year....

First day of grade 8:

Laurence heading off to his first day of grade 11:

Susannah heading down to catch the bus:

No oversleeping, no missed buses, no problems at all :)  
Here's to what I hope will be a great year for them both :)

Aug 30, 2011

Just what the doctor ordered...

This evening I headed out to pick up some mod podge - which was a great excuse to meet Ki for coffee. We met up in Michaels, where I found her in a heap on the floor....literally lol!  Actually, she was sat on the floor ogling over the new Martha Stewart art and craft range - which I have to admit is pretty fabulous!  Its an entire range of mixed media supplies from paints to tools, stencils to papers - in the artist section!!  Definitely worth drooling over :)

I only needed modpodge though - and two little pots of acrylic paint and with my coupon it meant that I actually spent less than the original price of the mod podge :)  I was happy :)  

I spent this afternoon working on two canvases with a paper rolling technique which I just LOVE!!  Tonight I finished them - one with a glossy coat and the other with a matte coat.  Both are now finished and ready to be signed and sold :)  They were created on backgrounds that I had prepared at an earlier date.  I think I'll do this again - spend a day preparing canvas backgrounds so that when I have days like today I have canvases with backgrounds already prepped :)

After Michaels we headed over to Second Cup and sat and chatted for a while....sat and laughed for a while....sat and complained for a while...sat in hysterics for a while....I wonder if the people next to us could hear our conversation....oh boy :)  and there are some things I hope Ki NEVER repeats hahaha!!  I gave Ki a plaque the other day that says something about us always having to be friends because we know too much about each other....tonight reminded me that this is was funny :)  

I think we both needed to laugh :)  It's been a difficult few days.

To all my friends who have been there for me while I've been feeling down and stressed - and you know who you are - thank you - LOVE YOU XXX

School starts tomorrow!  

Aug 29, 2011

End of the month tag

What books and/or magazines did I read this month?    I read 'Driftwood Lane' and then started reading 'The Blue Bistro'.....two Summery romances based in Nantucket :)  Magazine wise I read my Artful Blogging/ Journaling mags with Christy. Melody etc in them....  Bliss :)

What movies, television shows, plays, etc. did I watch this month?  Well we don't have tv any more, but we did have tv while on holidy in Canmore - I didn't watch it but the kids did :)  We did have a movie night one night which was great fun :)  Other than that I haven't watched any movies or tv this month.  :)

What fun things did I do with my family and/or friends?  Oh wow!!  It's been an amazing month!  Our Canmore trip :)  Going to the Winterburn Waterslides,  Discovery Canyon too!  Lindbrook Pool!  Going to see Michael Buble in concert, Rosie at the dogwash!!  Telus World of Science!  The Fringe Festival, Calaway Park, Summer camps, the rodeo, movie in the park, helping JoAnne move house, farmers markets, park fun days, 

What gifts did I give and/ or receive?   Ki gave me a beautiful pot from her trip to Mexico.  She also kindly picked up a few things for me while she was shopping in Michaels..stamps to use in my Smash book, and something with my initial on it :)  Love you Ki :)  
Sam and Abby took the time to tape together a vase/ pot that I had dropped because I was in a rush getting ready to go out and knocked it from the window ledge with my bag.  They did a great job :)  It was a very kind gift.  

I gave a few gifts that will hopefully have lasting effects....I'm not going to go into details here, but I am very happy with what I chose to do.  
There were some other simple little gifts I gave throughout the month to passing, things I saw that made me think of them etc....oh and a housewarming gift for JoAnne for her new home :)  

I also started buying Christmas gifts this month.  I have a few now put away - just little things...but it will be here before we know it and I want to be prepared.  

What special or unusual purchases did I make?     I booked the children into their Fall classes.  I took us to Canmore for our week long holiday that we take every Summer. As always it was wonderful and relaxing.  Rosie came with us and was an absolute angel.  She is sooo well behaved.  You really can take her anywhere and she just behaves so well.  You would think she had been trained really well by someone but she is just really shy and nervous after last year and without Amber too.  She never leaves our side when we are out.  She is such a good girl on and off leash :)  

What illnesses or health concerns did I have?  None that I can think of.  I had an upset stomach one morning on holiday - which was puzzling as I hadn't eaten the day before. But by lunchtime I was fine and we headed out for the day as planned.  Apart from that I can't remember any health issues in August.

What were my accomplishments this month?  I have accomplished almost all of the things I wanted to accomplish this Summer - not all - there are a few things we didn't do, but we will add them to the list for next year....but those aside, we crammed in a LOT to this Summer and we can go in to Fall knowing we made the most of the whole Summer holiday :)  I have planned and prepped for the new homeschool year.  I have all the curriculum I need, I know what our plans are - I have us signed up for classes and I have my diary planned out for the next few months at least - classes up until Christmas :)  
I have decluttered closets, drawers, boxes, entire rooms....the children moved into their new bedrooms and we decluttered as we went.  We added new storage to help contain any clutter kept.  
So I feel like as well as having our holiday and making the most of the nice weather, I have accomplished a lot at home too!

What were my disappointments this month?  Having to finally admit defeat and put Abigail on medication.  I never wanted to have to use medication but she is struggling with her Tourettes and it isn't fair on her siblings - or on her - or me - or anyone around her - when she is out of control, so we need to find a medication that works to help her stay balanced.
So far this one isn't working.  She is having several melt downs a day.  Often in public and over the most minimal thing.  Her obsessions are also out of control and she is finding it impossible to stop clapping/ patting songs/ rhythms....often on her legs until it hurts.  A few other new tics/ obsessions that i cant think of right now but that are new this last week or so.  

Anything else noteworthy to include? The older children go back to school in two days.  The summer holidays have gone REALLY fast.  I am sad that Summer is over, and I will be sad for them to head back to school, but I AM looking forward to a new homeschool year, getting back to routine, cooler days, slower days, more time at home......just slow, quiet HOME!!!!!  Summer was fun, but boy was it BUSY!!!!!  Yes, I am ready for Fall and for the new homeschool year to begin :)  

Refinery we rush by.....

It's dark so early now :(

This girl can't WAIT for Wednesday :)

Today I.....

Today I went to my very first rodeo!!

Today I hoped to have an early night, but I just can't sleep yet....

Today I dreamed  I had a day with nothing to do!!!  Sigh....

Today I forgot  to buy Bounce sheets, magic erasers and bleach....and melatonin!!

Today I heard The fake southern drawl of the commentator at the rodeo - it was annoying!!  :)

Today I said (several times) "Sam can you come and get rid of this grasshopper please". They are everywhere!

Today I read The Blue Bistro by Elin Hilderbrand

Today I watched young teens get kicked off of young steers at a rodeo!

Today I believed that we may get an early winter....there are several signs :(

Today I felt happy, tired, frustrated, grateful, lucky, exhausted, motivated, excited, drained, heightist....

Today I wondered how to help much worse her condition can/ will get.  What her future looks like.

Today I bought a few groceries, some bbq food at the rodeo.

Today I cleaned the mudroom, the laundry room...I'm doing one room a day fully.  I also did 4 loads of laundry but have no Bounce sheets left now and forgot to buy some tonight!

Today I was thinking of some friends of mine - one who is going through a rough time right now, one who sadly lost her Dad today....and several who were cleaning up after having dealt with Hurricane Irene this weekend.  I was also thinking of a little girl who celebrated her birthday this weekend.  If you have time, perhaps you could go and visit her page and 'like' it - this precious little girl and her family would appreciate it:  Faiths Friends

One of my favourite pictures from this Summer...

Broadmoor Lake

Snapped with my iphone :)  

Bliss :)

Aug 28, 2011

Our first rodeo...

Today I took the children to a rodeo!!

We headed back to Birch Bay Ranch, where they go to Summer Camp each year, and we watched the 2011 North American Indian Rodeo Associations Pro Rodeo :)  

It was a gorgeous sunny day for it!  It was really exciting to watch the steer riding - kids hanging on tight to steers until the buzzer went!  Some of the kids were so tiny!!  

There was wild horse riding, barrel racing...all kinds of events that I have no idea of the names of :)  

We enjoyed the barbecue there, and Abigail and Sam also took part in a contest to try and win a $50 gift card for gas.  They had to go in to the arena, and a steer was let loose in the arena with a ribbon tied to it's tail!!  All the kids had to race after it and try and pull the ribbon from its tail!!  The person to get the ribbon won!  

Abby and I wore our cowboy hats :)  Mine is all roughed up now - or getting there - I just love it!!  Thank you Nigel!!!  It's perfect and will be completely perfect for Brave Girl camp :)  

By the end of the afternoon the heat was starting to get to Abigail - she doesn't do well with heat with her Tourettes, and she was getting upset.  Luckily the others were happy to leave once the barrel racing was over, so we headed home to cool down!!

We have had so many new experiences this Summer - tried so many new things.  I feel so fortunate to have made so many memories with the children - it has truly been a wonderful Summer :)  

- x -

Oh what a night :)

Tonight I took the children to the 'Movie in the Park' - it was our very first time to watch a movie outdoors.  I have to say that the experience was WONDERFUL!!  :)  I'm so glad I got to experience this Summer memory with them!  

Sam enjoyed the bouncy castle.  He and Abigail also took part in the pre-movie entertainment.  Sam was in the hula-hooping contest and Abby was in the dancing contest - both up on stage.  

Once the movie started the children were all cuddled up with blankets and sweaters and enjoyed the movie 'Rio' which none of us had seen.  

It was a warm clear night and the girls even saw two shooting stars!!  

Laurence went with a friend and had a good evening too.

It was a really great way to end Summer.  Drive-in movie theatres are very rare in North America now, which is a shame!!  But I really loved this experience of watching a movie in the park!  We're already looking forward to next years :)  

Aug 27, 2011

What's your current obsession?  preparing for the new homeschool year.  

What are you wearing today?  Shorts, the naughty t-shirt I bought at Rowena :)

What's for dinner?   BBQ - we are meeting friends at an outdoor movie night in the park and there is a BBQ there :)

What would you eat for your last meal?   Roast dinner with yummy roast potatoes and brussel sprouts, swede etc etc

What's the last thing you bought?  A table for Sams bedroom.  I decided it was time the children had nice bedrooms they love and have been working hard to finish them....Sam saw a little table he wanted - to play with his cars and soldiers etc etc on and so I got that for him last night.

What are you listening to right now - Sam playing in his room with his toys :)  I love his imagination and the way he plays with his toys so vocally - reminds me of me when I was little :)  He and Abby are really 'in' to Playmobil at the moment - as well as other things, but I think Christmas will bring a lot of Playmobil into the house :)  

If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go? - Canmore - I was sent details of a really great hike there I want to do before Winter with Susannah, but I don't think I'm going to get to, so it might have to wait until Spring :(  It sounds amazing and I want to take my camera and go :)

Which language do you want to learn?  Spanish!!!  But right now we are in a French club - and thats fine - Abigail really wanted to learn French - and the group is so friendly and is a great social outlet for the children, so it will be perfect :)  And it is run by a Spanish lady - so who knows, maybe I will get to learn some Spanish too :)

What do you love most about where you currently live?  My house?  The fact that I know it so well - how it changes in the seasons - the birds that visit, the animals, the way the pond and trees change, the scenery changes.....I love the security and stability that comes with knowing how reliable that all is.  I love that the rooms are all odd little shapes, I love the colours I have chosen.  I adore my bedroom with my collection of mirrors on the wall.  I love that i's all perfect even though it's totally IMPERFECT :)  It's home :)  

As for the area that I live - I love that we live on an acreage and can drive out of town to peace and quiet.  I love Edmonton and all that it has to offer - the festivals are amazing, people are friendly and giving.  There is soooooo much for families to do here - and the homeschooling community here is HUGE - you have to say no to so much or you would be on the go non stop!  I love how clean it is here and how quiet the roads are compared to the UK.  I love the choices my children have in education.  

What is your favorite color?  Turquoise

Chocolate or vanilla?    Depends on what it cream??  a really good vanilla.  Cake???  Chocolate :)  

What were you doing 10 years ago  I was pregnant with my Daughter Abigail.  Just moved into a new house in Scotland.  Susannah had just started nursery school and Laurence and Christopher had just started their new school in Scotland.  

If you had $100 now, what would you spend it on?  I don't really need to go and buy anything except groceries.  So I would put it in my purse or bank and put it towards the groceries.  Or towards tonights BBQ 

What are you going to do after this?  Put a load of laundry in the dryer.  spray a bookshelf white.  

What are your favorite films?  Bridesmaids.  2 hours of non stop laughter!  Best. film. ever.  :)

What inspires you?  Brave Girls Emails.  Soul Restoration work.  Certain people online.  Quotes I read.  

Your favorite books?  I have read soooo many great books lately that I can't say just a few...The Gift of Imperfection is a good one though :)

Do you collect anything?  I collect swans.  Single swans.  Only ones that I find for myself and they have to be lone swans :)  I pick them up at thrift stores and yard sales and thought they would be hard to find, but they aren't, so I am really particular about the ones I buy.  

What makes you follow a blog?   If  it contains information that interests me, helps me, cheers me, inspires me....

What was the most enjoyable thing you did today?  It's still morning, and we haven't done much yet - but snuggling with Sam in the mornings is lovely.  Im looking forward to our evening out.  

What is on the top of your to-do list?  I have a LONG to do list, but I guess at the top would be to put the laundry from the washing machine into the dryer.  I like staying caught up on laundry :)

What's your favorite time of day and why?  evenings.  I get to relax, create, potter....go out :)  although that could all be set to change ;)

Aug 26, 2011

New school year....

It seems that school has kind of started for Sam and Abby even before Laurence and Susannah!!  :)  Or at least the planning of it has!  I have been busy this week and last week with registering them for classes in and around the city, signing up for field trips, organizing coffee nights for homeschool Moms, attending planning meetings, drawing up schedules and putting together our curriculum/ calendar etc etc.....

We have committed to French club every week.

Abigail will be attending outdoor education classes at the Wilderness Centre.  While she is there I will go for walks or geocaching with Sam and possibly Rosie (will check online if I can take Rosie there).

We are signed up for art classes.

We are signed up for science classes.  We have also signed up for family membership of TWOS for the year as it worked out cheaper for the classes/ admission and means we can go there as often as we like - Sam LOVES the Discovery zone and could happily pass an entire day playing with the bricks and water there etc...and with the NEW kids area opening in December it will be even more reason to go there!!

We are hoping to go along to the homeschoolers free-swim sessions on Wednesday afternoons.

I am still hoping to get three of the children in to gymnastics but just can't afford to book it this month so will wait until next week and HOPE that Lloyd decides to do the right thing :(

This year my focus is on Sams reading.  He is in Grade 1 this year....he has been doing a lot of spelling of simple words, but his reading needs to come on this year....he loves to be read to, but doesn't often sit still long enough to look at the page while I read - he is often colouring or building or fidgeting while I I have some language arts books for him to go through....he is very interested so that will help :)

We are hoping to join in with a great new class in town called 'Bricks for Kidz' which is a new thing to Edmonton that uses Lego to build on all parts of the curriculum - it was designed by architects and engineers and can help with math, language arts, science etc etc....I think the kids will LOVE it :)  The homeschool group is trying to organize a regular group with the company :)

We are also trying to find out about Sportball - haven't heard anything yet, and as our schedule fills up, the less likely I am to put the children in.  Its basically one hour a week for 8 weeks and they are taught skills for one ball sport each week.  So they get to try out 8 different ball sports over the two months.  I'm not sure about it and its at the bottom of my list of priorities right now but we will see when we get the information/ confirmation of dates etc.

The children are looking forward to having 'poetry teas' every once in a while....which is an idea from a homeschooling website called Brave Writer Lifestyle where you set the table with proper tea cups and saucers and nice treats every so often and read/ write/ focus JUST on poetry.  Sam especially loves his own little tea cup, so he is looking forward to it and I think it will be a nice thing to do through the winter on snowy days :)

I'm waiting to hear back from the City of Edmonton facilities about their homeschool classes and I might book a few of those...

Even with all of these classes, because most are spread out to once or twice a month (French club being the only weekly one) we will still have such flexibility to relax and catch up on things here at home - slow down and do lots of reading, working on our books, art and spelling etc at home....

I'm now running the Sherwood Park and Area Homeschoolers group :)  If you'd like to join us and stay in touch about our coffee nights for parents, field trips, classes, get togethers....or just chat wit other homeschoolers then please contact me on Facebook.  Thanks :)  Jane Fernandez.

Aug 24, 2011

For today......

Outside My Window... it is dark already...can't believe how early it gets dark now...Fall will soon be here - even though we are having such amazing weather, the signs are definitely starting to show - leaves are beginning to fall and trees are starting to change colour.  Summer has been fabulous - we have really made the most of every moment and for that I am so grateful :)  It helps to accept that Fall is coming and instead of feeling too sad about Summer ending, I am looking forward to it and all that it brings :)

I am thinking...about tomorrow - it is another busy day for us.  French club starts - with a planning meeting at the library for three hours!!!!  Abigail and Sam are looking forward to three hours of games and snacks with their friends while us Moms plan the Semester's work/ activities for French club.  After that, Susannah has her hair appt with Amber.  Then I have my very important date....gulp :)

I am thankful for...the holiday we have just returned from.  We really did have such a fantastic time - we did so much as well as had some lazy/ relaxing times at the hotel and pool - and some fabulous walks with Rosie too!  It was just the perfect holiday :)  Those of you on my Facebook can see all the pictures in my folders there :)

From the kitchen...We have been so busy since returning from Canmore that we haven't even had a chance to go grocery shopping yet!  I am hoping Friday we can!  It seems that our days are just endless non stop GO!!  I will be glad for school to start just for life to slow down a bit!!  Although I'm not sure it is going to as our homeschool schedule seems to be filling up - at least at the beginning of September with NOT-back to school celebrations and activities, field trips and classes starting.  Now I have started the local homeschool group and have so many members already I am feeling so positive about the new school year :)

I am wearing...capri's, tshirt.....

I am creating...journals, canvases ready to sell - unfortunately Lloyd changed his schedule YET AGAIN, which meant I had to cancel my craft sale over labour day weekend.  It's so frustrating and he doesn't even apologise or show any consideration for my life at all.  I wouldn't mind if he would just say 'I'm sorry this effects your plans' once in a while' .....but he's so self centred he just doesn't even think that what I do matters.  But the craft show didn't just involve me.  He doesn't get that.  Anyway, I'm not going to hold on to anger or frustration...let it go...let it go Jane.....blow it!  :)  So yes, I'm still creating various craft items to sell on art stall - and I'm planning to do the farmers market through the Fall/ Winter with a friend.  Depends on my work schedule I guess.  If I can't do Thursday nights then I'm going to have set up an Etsy account instead and hope for the best with that and do craft sales over Christmas as up my stock as I am for that....but Im hoping if I can get Thursday nights off of work then I can do the farmers market.

I am the Rodeo this weekend with the kids :)  yay!!  I'm also taking them to the outside movie at the park :)  A fun way to end the Summer :)  
I am reading...'Driftwood Lane - a Nantucket Love story' by Denise Hunter.  It's a typically Summer novel....not much focus needed, I'm totally in love with Jake, the male character with his sexy jawline and woodsy scent lmao!  And I want to run off and live on Nantucket :)

I am cash in that raincheck a certain someone gave me the other day :)  No names mentioned.  *blush*

I am hearing... nothing.  The air conditioning just switched off.  The house is silent.  All I can hear is my fingers on the keys of my laptop.

Around the house...sooooo much needs doing - it is an absolute MESS and a complete PIT!!  Like the grocery shopping I haven't had a chance to do any housework/ chores either!  Luckily I am up to date on laundry but nothing else....I need a good couple of days at home with nothing to do - maybe some rainy cool days - that would be good!  Don't see that in the future though....sigh....

One of my favorite things...simple Summer romance novels that don't need much intelligence to read them - I don't mean Harlequin type books, but chick lit type beach novels....I read one every Summer :)  A guilty pleasure :)

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week...french club, Susie appt with Amber tomorrow, my meeting with a certain someone somewhere tomorrow :)  the rodeo on Sunday, the outdoor movie on Saturday, grocery shopping.....

Instagram pictures...

I'm still loving Instagram and use it far more than any of the other photo apps I have on my iphone.
If you want to follow me on Instagram and see the pictures I add most days, you can sign up free on Instagram and add me - Janemma1234 - or I usually upload them to Facebook.  Not all get put on FB though!  I rarely blog these days as you will have noticed ;)  but I will do occasionally - maybe more when school starts back and we get back to a normal homeschool routine!  We'll see!  

Here are some instagram pics from the last couple of days:

Picnic at the Park Playday this evening:

Farmers Market - we walked there with a new friend of Sams who has moved here from Canmore - we showed them where the farmers market is:

Flowers in the park still looking good from Canada Day

Coffee in the library this morning was blissfully quiet - Laurence was at school registering and getting his picture taken so I sat in the library cafe and enjoyed the peace:

My bedside table:

Evening stroll at the dog park with Rosie last night:

Aug 21, 2011

A week of bliss..our home away from home.

Full updates and ALL pictures etc on facebook... 

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