What's your current obsession? preparing for the new homeschool year.
What are you wearing today? Shorts, the naughty t-shirt I bought at Rowena :)
What's for dinner? BBQ - we are meeting friends at an outdoor movie night in the park and there is a BBQ there :)
What would you eat for your last meal? Roast dinner with yummy roast potatoes and brussel sprouts, swede etc etc
What's the last thing you bought? A table for Sams bedroom. I decided it was time the children had nice bedrooms they love and have been working hard to finish them....Sam saw a little table he wanted - to play with his cars and soldiers etc etc on and so I got that for him last night.
What are you listening to right now - Sam playing in his room with his toys :) I love his imagination and the way he plays with his toys so vocally - reminds me of me when I was little :) He and Abby are really 'in' to Playmobil at the moment - as well as other things, but I think Christmas will bring a lot of Playmobil into the house :)
If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go? - Canmore - I was sent details of a really great hike there I want to do before Winter with Susannah, but I don't think I'm going to get to, so it might have to wait until Spring :( It sounds amazing and I want to take my camera and go :)
Which language do you want to learn? Spanish!!! But right now we are in a French club - and thats fine - Abigail really wanted to learn French - and the group is so friendly and is a great social outlet for the children, so it will be perfect :) And it is run by a Spanish lady - so who knows, maybe I will get to learn some Spanish too :)
What do you love most about where you currently live? My house? The fact that I know it so well - how it changes in the seasons - the birds that visit, the animals, the way the pond and trees change, the scenery changes.....I love the security and stability that comes with knowing how reliable that all is. I love that the rooms are all odd little shapes, I love the colours I have chosen. I adore my bedroom with my collection of mirrors on the wall. I love that i's all perfect even though it's totally IMPERFECT :) It's home :)
As for the area that I live - I love that we live on an acreage and can drive out of town to peace and quiet. I love Edmonton and all that it has to offer - the festivals are amazing, people are friendly and giving. There is soooooo much for families to do here - and the homeschooling community here is HUGE - you have to say no to so much or you would be on the go non stop! I love how clean it is here and how quiet the roads are compared to the UK. I love the choices my children have in education.
What is your favorite color? Turquoise
Chocolate or vanilla? Depends on what it is.....ice cream?? a really good vanilla. Cake??? Chocolate :)
What were you doing 10 years ago I was pregnant with my Daughter Abigail. Just moved into a new house in Scotland. Susannah had just started nursery school and Laurence and Christopher had just started their new school in Scotland.
If you had $100 now, what would you spend it on? I don't really need to go and buy anything except groceries. So I would put it in my purse or bank and put it towards the groceries. Or towards tonights BBQ
What are you going to do after this? Put a load of laundry in the dryer. spray a bookshelf white.
What are your favorite films? Bridesmaids. 2 hours of non stop laughter! Best. film. ever. :)
What inspires you? Brave Girls Emails. Soul Restoration work. Certain people online. Quotes I read.
Your favorite books? I have read soooo many great books lately that I can't say just a few...The Gift of Imperfection is a good one though :)
Do you collect anything? I collect swans. Single swans. Only ones that I find for myself and they have to be lone swans :) I pick them up at thrift stores and yard sales and thought they would be hard to find, but they aren't, so I am really particular about the ones I buy.
What makes you follow a blog? If it contains information that interests me, helps me, cheers me, inspires me....
What was the most enjoyable thing you did today? It's still morning, and we haven't done much yet - but snuggling with Sam in the mornings is lovely. Im looking forward to our evening out.
What is on the top of your to-do list? I have a LONG to do list, but I guess at the top would be to put the laundry from the washing machine into the dryer. I like staying caught up on laundry :)
What's your favorite time of day and why? evenings. I get to relax, create, potter....go out :) although that could all be set to change ;)