Aug 15, 2012

Farmers Market to end the day....

After the corn maze, we headed back to Sherwood park and stopped off at the farmers market for supper.  Lemonade is always a MUST too :)  We also popped into the library so that Sam and Abby could play the summer reading game - we are trying to finish the game before it ends this weekend!  Then we headed up to pick Laurence up from work before heading home to curl up and watch 'The Bucket List' together!  Last night we watched 'The Help'.  

Sam chose an elephant ear for his supper - I don't know how he can like them as they are tasteless and overly greasy!!  Yuck It was bigger than his head!!!

We sat on our usual bench over on the sports field and ate/ drank in the evening sunshine.  We shared our supper with the seagulls and it gave me a chance to snap some pictures:

The clocktower by the library:

Sunset on the way home tonight:

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