Jan 1, 2013

Happy New Year!!!

Happy New Year to you all - I hope you had a fun New Years Eve!!  I wish you all the best for 2013 - may it bring you much happiness :)  

My New Years Eve was very different to the one I had planned, but was a lot of fun. With Abigail home I wasn't able to go to the party at Overtime that I had a ticket for - but I was just happy that Abigail was happy again.  I don't like hearing her crying and sad like she did on the phone on Saturday.  She is home again and is her happy self again :)  

We got some supplies in for Susannah and her friends, they went to the festival and then took their time  walking home and stopping in at Timmys for hot chocolates on the way.  Sounds like they had a really good time.  When they got home they watched the ball drop in New York and then headed out to go skating - they stayed there until just before midnight.  Abby went for a little while but came home earlier as she was tired.  We saw the New Year in all together, had sparklers, they had some alcohol free sparkling wine...and we finished the night with several games of Spot It :)  

Abby and I went on to bed around 1am or so....I think the teens stayed up for a while after - I told them to go to sleep at 3am :)  I think they had a good night as there was lots of chatter and laughter :)  

Abigail and I played a game similar to scrabble, and then she made long words with the letters:

A light on the bridge where we stood to watch the fireworks:

Snow carving at the 'safari themed' New Year Festival:

The lights in Tim Hortons through the funny 3d glasses we were given to watch the fireworks with - I didn't think the glasses would be good for the fireworks, but WOW they made them soooo cool - it really looked like they were going to hit you and it was like having fireworks in a kaleidoscope!!  

The trapeze artist was giving out glow bracelets upside down :)

Giraffe ice sculpture on the 'winter walk':

Glow painting:

Cheers - and here is to 2013:

Fire juggling at the festival:

Abigails party blower was funny as when she blew it, it would stick down instead of out:

Glow painting:

One of the lovely chimneas/ fire pits at the festival along the walk:

There was a display of sleds and sled dogs and the children got to pet all the huskies and ask questions - this was Abigails favourite thing so we stayed for a while and she spent time with each dog:

I worked ona  doodle throughout the day when I had time:

The kids roasted marhsmallows on the fire after skating:

Abigail through the funny glasses:

All in all a great day - the kids had a blast and were happy, and that was the main thing.  My plans changed but I made the best of it - and had fun hanging out with Abigail :)  

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