Jun 29, 2006

A good mail day....

Fuzzy Felt Farm

Laurie making the plane that came with his magazine.

Susie with the headband from Grandma and the card from her penpal.

Abigail in her headband from Grandma playing Fuzzy Felt Farm

Abby looking cool in her new headband.

Today was a very good mail day which made me sad that ew didn't go on that walk and collect mail on the way as I know the kids would have loved opening the box today! There was a parcel from my Mum and Dad in England......with FUZZY FELT FARM!!!!! Woohoo! I had asked her to look out for old fuzzy felts at car boot sales and charity shops but this one was one she found new at the toy store.....

I remember sitting in bed sick when I was little, with my stripey blanket I always had since birth and boxes of fuzzy felts to play with....fuzzy felt hospital, fuzzy felt circus......we had a lot of them including the farm!

Also in the parcel were two Beano's for Laurie....one with a plane to make on it.....

Susie had a Happy Canada Day card from her penpal R so she was thrilled.

I had my 'Live Free Learn Free' unschooling magazine which I can't wait to read, and a newsletter from the homeschool board (the one I'm not signing with).

Some days I wish I had a Grandma like my kids have - she sends them such cool things!!!
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