10 hours ago
Jun 29, 2006
Wherever you left it....
The girls are playing with their dollhouses beisde me on the floor......its funny listening to them play...reminds me a lot of me when I was their age....and some of the things they make their dolls say is hilarious....
One of the dolls has lost something and the Mom doll is shouting at the girl doll that she needs to find it NOW and it's 'wherever you left...' and the parents have gone out for dinner at Joey Tomatoes...how funny!!!! :)
The wooden dollhouse in the picture is one Lloyd made for Abby to play with while he was building the bedroom downstairs...she loves it and will often use that one more than the big plasticy Barbie house that talks......When I was little my dad made me a wardrobe for my Amanda-Jane dolls and also a balance beam and vaulting horse for my gymnastics loving Sindy doll :) So I love to see Lloyd make these simple wooden toys for the children!