Jun 26, 2006

A new one every second.....


A new blog is created somewhere in the world every SECOND!!!! Thats amazing.....

Did you check out any of the blogs they mention in the article? We thought the hitler cats were funny ;)


Depending on your take, blogs are either a fantastic liberation, a self-indulgent waste of time, or a complete mystery.

Whats your take? Why do you blog? Why do I blog?????? Hmmmm I started blogging a few years back and found it was the easiest way to stay in touch with family and friends back home....especially those still on dial-up rather than sending them emails with pictures.......

The same is true now.....but as we are homeschooling I find it is the best way of keeping a 'diary' of our unschooling days.....more and more families are choosing to use online diaries and blogs as portfolios for their facilitators. Its also a great way of showing family and friends how this unschooling malarky actually works day to day...and great proof that OMG my kids actually DO socialise!!!!!! And despite not doing formal work they DO learn!!!!! ;)

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