8 hours ago
Jul 30, 2006
Hergen Bergens......
Yesterday Lloyd and I were walking down the driveway to see all the little birds flying around...Abigail with us....we were talking about the bluebirds and then a little yellow and black bird flew by...we didn't recognise it...it wasn't the American Goldfinch we normally see......we were discussing this when Abigail joined in the conversation and announced...'That? Oh thats a Hergen Bergen........' we just laughed because it seemed as if she really knew what she was talking about...she was very matter-of-fact..........she then turned away and walked off shaking her head and saying 'Oh you guys.....you just don't know anything!' its as if she despairs of being surrounded by idiots lol! It was just funny!
Then today I am washing the windows at the front of the house and I over hear a conversation between Abby and her Daddy.
Abby: How old are you Dad?
Lloyd: 33
Abby: And Mums 40 right?
Lloyd (laughing): Yeah thats right, Mummys 40!!!!
Me: Thanks Abby, I'm 34!!!!