Wednesday went from being a crappy day when I was in a bad mood to being a really great Mum phoned for a chat and to tell me her birthday gift had finally arrived......I chatted to S on the phone for a while too which was nice.....I went for a nice long walk with the dogs and then the children came and found me and joined me for the last part of the walk and for some photographs!
Lloyd had to go into town for his optometrists appointment so we turned it into a bit of a date night.....strolled around the farmers market where I bought two more of the FAB dips by the Dip-sea Chicks...theird dips are wonderful!!! I bought Roasted red pepper and walnut dip and also Feta and Jalapeno dip.......yum!!! Thats my lunch today :) Lloyd made me laugh the whole time as usual...with his comments about various people in the crowds and various things people were the solar lights with plastic frogs sat on them.......wouldn't they just look fab going up our driveway????? lol!
After the farmers market we headed to Starbucks and sat chatting over coffee and carrot cake.....then we strolled around the store and I finally got a close up look at the Pirateology book I was thinking of buying...they do Egyptology and dragonology books in the series too......
I bought another of Nicholas Sparks books too .......for some reason the summer months always put me in the mood to read his must be all the scenesfrom the Outer Banks and beaches of North Carolina...they make me crave sea air....even fictional sea air ;) and romance!
Lloyd headed off for his eye appointment and I strolled around the mall buying birthday gifts for a party Laurie is going to today......then I met Lloyd back at the optical store.....I had no idea how much fun it can be choosing glasses.....and I also had no idea how WELL I suit glasses....I found a couple of pairs that I LOVE....I think I should get my eyes checked........I've never needed glasses but maybe it wouldn't be so bad if I had to have some!!! Although maybe the price is a downside...Lloyd got two pairs of glasses on a buy one get one free deal...yet the total was still well over $600!!!!!! Thank goodness health insurance covers most of that! He got himself a nice pair of glasses for work and a pair of prescription sunglasses for driving.......
Trying on all the glasses was so much fun......much better than going clothes shopping.......NONE of the glasses I tried on made my butt look big!!!! ;)
Shopping with Lloyd is also a lot of fun - I spent the whole time with a silly grin on my face.....laughing out loud at his funny comments.....there is nothing sexier than a man who can make you laugh :)
After running into Safeway we headed home......
A few minutes after we got in, N phoned to ask us if we'd like to go to the parade with her today.....thankfully we can't make it because Laurie has a party to go to.......the parade would be fun to watch but getting there early and having to deal with the crowds in the heat (they expect over 200,000 people there today) then deal with the crowds at the wading pool with several festivals downtown all in one day and soooo many people is NOT my idea of fun...all that hanging around waiting with little kids........maybe a ina few years when I don't have one in a stroller who needs naps..........
So that was pretty much my Wednesday......I arranged to meet a few friends at the splashpark Friday.......I didn't sleep well again and kept getting up to see the coyotes who were quite close to the house last night........they sounded like hyenas giggling last night......
This morning I woke up all groggy again from lack of sleep.....the rabbits had gone missing from the we hunted for them and found they had dug under the coop so we have blocked up any gaps around the coop and hopefully that will contain them until Lloyd can do something's now 10:43 and I should ahve breakfast.....Oh and Laurie Greenwood the book lady was on Global again today......she was discussinga book that sounds wonderful......'Ghosting - a Double Life' by Jennie I think I will get that at the weekend........oh and I have to go to the library later and collect the books I ordered........
Not sure what else we will do when we drop Laurie to the party...but we'll do something! Maybe swim......maybe the playground.....maybe the thrift store.......maybe ice cream.........
22 hours ago