Jun 15, 2007

Feeling sad...

Right now Susannah is on stage singing the opening song for the school talent show...in front of the whole school AND parents......I should be there...I COULD be there....but I'm not :( And I feel really bad :(

Yesterday Laurence was in a play that he had been rehearsing for for weeks. I couldn't be there because I was volunteering at preschool.....it was Abigails last day of preschool and they had the big picnic/ slide show etc and I knew it would be my last chance to ask questions etc before September when I take over.

Unfortunately because I wasn't there yesterday (and let Laurie down) I feel like I can't be there today for Susannah. Laurie is very much the 'middle child' and always notices every little thing we do for the others and sees it as a sign we love them more.....and no it doesn't matter that I do things with JUST him...or that I try and make up for it so I do the same for them all in the end.....

The other week I took the children out for breakfast......Laurie knew we were going but chose to sleep over at his friends instead - his choice...but he hasn't forgotten that all the others went out for breakfast and he didn't......

He doesn't get cross about it - just sad and makes you feel so guilty!

I'm rambling! So anyway...I am thinking of Susannah who was probably so so nervous and is now (at 12:35pm) very relieved to be finished but very proud I hope) and I hope it all went well for her and I can't wait to hear about it.....

And sometimes I just wish this parenting stuff was easier :(

I've probably done the wrong thing and should have gone today. Its too late now. Its the choice I made. I'm sure this time next year (next month?) it really won't matter.....but today I'm really sorry to not be there).
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