After a not so great morning, I had a lovely afternoon. We went outside with the butterfly nets, jam jars and our book of 'bugs of Alberta' and we caught butterflies to look at!
Sam and Abigail loved this! They soon got the knack of catching them with the net and then putting the jar underneath so they could get the butterfly to fly in....then with a quick twist of their hand they turned the jamjar over and placed it over a dandelion so the butterfly would land on the dandelion.
Then we'd go through the book to find which butterfly it was.....and then they would hold up the jamjar and let it fly off.......
Even Sam surprised us by yelling 'I got one' and then telling us to grab the book and jamjar...he was so serious and funny and he was right! He did catch one! And then another and another!
Sams first 'catch' was an Inornate Ringlet. We also caught Spring Azure's, Cabbage White, Wood Nymphs......
So all the pictures to follow are from our afternoon of butterfly watching......
23 hours ago