My tablets hit me really hard Thursday and Friday and I was a bit of a bad that I did nothing but sit by the computer really (hence the fact I needed a break)
Last weekend we watched a couple of good movies - both pretty depressing though!
Friday night we watched Becoming Jane - the story of Jane Austen's love affair with a man with no money. I love Jane Austens novels. My favourite is Emma. I think what I love most about her novels is that they show that even in the 17th century, women were quite assertive and active participants in relationships...quite outspoken. I guess, until I read her books I pictured women of those days to be quiet and reserved....and dull!
Saturday after the Orchid show we ventured to leduc (friendliest Tim Hortons I have ever been to!) and then to Peavey Mart (Lloyd says we will NEVER go there again lol and swears they all in-breed lol Christie says welcome to rural Alberta (sorry Jennifer lol) I must say I wasn't impressed with Peavey mart either - we just didn't think they had anything you can't get at Home Depot or Greenland Garden Centre lol...
Saturday night we watched Away From Her - brilliant movie - VERY sad.....about a couple dealing with the wife's alzheimers. Absolutely heartbreaking.
Sunday morning we sat in bed and played the Greys Anatomy board game which was so much fun! I won of course :) lol! How could Lloyd NOT know that it was 'The Nazi' that said ' No one gets to scrub in until I'm so happy I'm Mary Frickin' Poppins'!!
After that Lloyd made the children pancakes and then we headed out to Greenland Garden Centre. It is so nice there this year. They ahve a little water garden inside. They have extended the coffee shop by the ponds and you can sit by the fish ponds there and have your coffee and cakes :) Sam loves sitting watching the fish :)
When we got home we went for a walk outside because the weather was so nice. Abigail put on her ice skates and ice skated on the driveway (it melts during the day and freezes at night so has become a bit of an ice rink lol) Sam had fun shovelling in the snow with his little shovels from the sand box.
We got Lloyds quad bike out and went for a ride on that for a while which was great fun - first time this year :) It felt so good - the sun was warm on our backs and it was just so great!
Lloyd told me to get his tractor out of the workshop for him that was an experience lol - its a LOT bigger than the lawn tractor.....then I had a go at clearing some snow - not as easy as it looks lol and not as interesting lol - one try and I handed it over for Lloyd to play with - he cleared all the snow around the trampoline and climbing frame so the children could get out there all week and play.....and we have GRASS!!!! it's been great all week for the kids to get out and swing and slide and jump on the trampoline!!! Wonderful!
While Lloyd cleared the snow, Chris and I cooked a big roast dinner - Chris helped me prep all the vegetables.
So that was our weekend! Sunday was my first migraine free day in a LONG day.....
So the meds were starting to work :)
22 hours ago