I am in a very mellow - stay-at-home mood right now. We have the fire on and after finishing up their school work this morning, Abby and Sam are cuddled up by the fire with popcorn, watching Santa Buddies. Sam hasn't seen it yet.
I just had my breakfast (yep at mid day lol) of toast made from Lloyds AMAZING home made multigrain bread. He now uses multigrain flour with flax seed, rye and cracked wheat. It's YUMMY!!! He makes it every two or three days :)
I need him to learn to make bagels because the kids eat a lot of bagels - although they LOVE the bread too...
Mmmmm mini marshmallows and chocolate chips. I needed something sweet and a hand full of those two together was just enough :)
I need to go and refill the bird feeders and put another load of laundry in. After the movie the kids want to build sugar cube houses. I really should wash some windows but I think I may procrastinate over that a little longer.
Lloyd and I are going out for coffee tonight as I saw something yesterday I wanted to get but couldn't because I had a certain 7 year old with me ;)
I plan to decorate a couple more notebooks this afternoon as I have an idea for things to write in them!! I bought a few packs for Susannah to alter and decorate for gifts for her friends too. I made Laurence , Abby and Sam one each recently and they love them :) I hope I'm inspiring more love of paper and notebooks and lists and writing in my kids!!!
Lloyds Grandad sadly died last Christmas, and it has taken a long time for his apartment to sell in England, but finally it has - which will mean closure for all those involved. I know it's been very stressful for R and J in the UK who have been dealing with all the financial and legal aspects - as well as fixing up the apartment and dealing with realtors. Lloyd has big business plans for his share of the money, but I do hope he will get himself something small to remember his Grandad by - something he can have here at the house. I suggested a picture/ painting - of a theme that reminds him of his Grandad - horses or chickens or something. R and J have had a stressful year all round, and so I hope now they can relax a little.
Sundays still seem a little odd without Lloyds regular call to his Grandad! :(
Christophers school was on the breakfast news this morning. Lorraine was there all morning talking about the theatre arts they teach there as well as the academic side of the school - and they gave displays from the upcoming school production of 'White Christmas' as well as dance classes.
They were talking about how his school is now the top performing arts school in the country - and in the top 5 for North America!!! It also is an IB school with a fabulous academics program! It really is a great school!!!! :) So glad we got him in there!! Chris is participating in two debate / speech events in upcoming weeks - he is taking part in the mock legislature where he will act as an MP and debate issues in the Legislature. It's a two day event.
He is also taking part in a speech competition held at another school where he can either recite poetry or improv or something similar......I hope he does well. He has more voluntary work lined up too. He will graduate next year - or rather he could, but he is planning on staying in school and taking extra classes so that he is 18 when he heads to college - although we have talked about him taking a year off to travel. I'd like him to do that for sure!! Maybe go and do voluntary work somewhere - see the world, and THEN settle down to film school or whatever he wants to do. I think that would give him a great base to build on!
We'll see I guess!!
Laurence has been career focused at school recently too. He spent a day at work with Lloyd, and learned a lot about himself. He also attended a big career fair in the city last week. He THINKS he would like to either be an architect or an airline pilot. He has been learning what those careers require and seeing if he would be up to the job. His school work is going really well this year and all his grades are up. I don't think he will have any problem going in to whichever career he chooses. We haven't decided on a high school for him yet, but will go to all the open houses in the new year and decide then.
Susannah was chosen as the lead in her school play for Christmas. She plays a CTV news reader!! She is also in the choir and often sings solos, so she is very busy learning her lines!!
Her report wasn't as FABULOUS as always - it said "Susannah talks too much in class and often distracts others"!! I had to stop myself from laughing because I swear it was a total duplicate of almost ALL my reports when I was a child. I was always being told off for talking too much and distracting others ;)
Funny thing is, all her previous reports have said "Susannah is too quiet" or "Susannah needs to speak up" hahahaha so now she IS ;) Not quite the way they wanted but...... ;)
School was just a social event for me at her age lol - I was just interested in seeing my friends....I still did ok though and I have do doubt Susannah will be the same ;)
Ok, the movie is finishing....I'd better get the craft/ activity ready for Sam and Abby so they can make these sugar cube houses!!! I foresee a big sticky mess to clean up later....and the need for a walk with the dogs to burn off some sugar highs ;) No doubt plenty will get eaten as they build ;)
22 hours ago