Feb 16, 2010

Family Day 2010

Family Day was yesterday.  We decided to have a quiet day at home because we have been so busy lately and because next weekend is going to be so buys with Lloyd heading to Vancouver and then us heading to the Citadel etc etc....and with us being at Chuck E Cheese on Saturday and Laurie was at the movies on Sunday night.....it seems we are always here there and everywhere....

Oter families might not find that very busy, but for us it is TOO busy!!  We had a lovely lazy day.   Lloyd pottered about with the baseboards in the front room and finished painting behind the television etc....it is now ready for the crown moulding.  The children played, relaxed, watched the Olympics and went out sledding.....I pottered about.  Abby did some crochet while I did some knitting - she has again decided that crochet is for her rather than knitting!!!  And I have decided that I want to learn to crochet flowers - giving up on crocheting properly but WOULD like to learn to crochet flowers!!!  So am adding that my list of things to do!!!

Late afternoon we prepared LOTS of fruit and some angel food cake and I melted the chocolate and we all curled up by the fire,  setttled in front of Narnia, Prince Caspian.....and enjoyed chocolate fondue while we watched!!!!

It was a fairly simple, quiet and relaxed Family Day - but I think we all needed it to be.  We were just tired this weekend and happy to be home and relax.  
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