16 hours ago
Jun 21, 2006
Collecting Mail
Our mailbox is quite a way from our house.....we have to walk down to the crossroads and then turn left and head down towards the highway. It's a nice length of a walk for little ones really....long enough to tire them out but not long enough for them to complain...there are things we always like to see on the way there too. The field with the Llamas, the horse in our neighbours field (they were setting up tents in their yard today) the crossroads where the field is always waterlogged and filled with interesting birds and waterfowl, the house where the puppies live, the woods where Abby thinks the monkeys live and finally the mailbox!
This afternoon was lovely and warm so we took our time for our walk....in fact half way there Susie decided she'd like to walk Rosie, so we headed back for Rosie our golden retriever and then headed off again. We saw Canada Anemone's, damselflies, and endless wild roses.....a HUGE tractor pulling a plough which was the highlight of Sams trip I am sure! Abigail waved to every single car that passed us.
I took the stroller and Sam walked some of the way and rode the rest. He spent ages in the driveway picking up little stones, looking at ants and the flowers in the yard. He then sat with Chris and played for a while before they all had a freezy and I came back inside. They are all outside now playing on the trampoline and sand box...and with the wagon.
Walks around here remind me of my childhood....hardly any cars, no nose apart from birds.....and the children can run and play as we walk and we don't have to worry too much.
This evening we are going to the farmers market and to the playground at Broadmoor Lake. Chris has orientation for the volunteering he wants to do at the library this summer.....he worked there last summer so already knows about it but will still go. He spent most of today reading and wokring on his game designs...they played Risk early this morning too.....everyone is feeling kind of laid back and lazy today after yesterdays busy day so its been nice to be relaxed all day.