Its a quiet day at home today.......Lloyd went into work late having a long lunch witha friend and is coming home early.......such a hard life lol! Supposedly its a 'business lunch' as his friend also happens to be a colleague.................he says they 'will' talk work for a while so its true but...I can see the conversations leading into radio controlled cars and planes, holidays....oh and they are driving out to see his friends old car..............I think its a 1930's car......................
So I had coffee with Lloyd this morning.........thats always nice.....Abigail came in and saw Lloyd in his work clothes and got upset that he wasn't staying home.......but after he left she sat in bed with me and we watched the breakfast news and both did some writing...I was writing a letter and Abby was writing in her notebook and copying some writing I had done in my blog notebook...........she also wrote out some math sums for herself......but one of them was 4 - 8 = which meant we had to talk about negative numbers......... 8am and having to explain math to a 4 year old is beyond my little brain lol! I need two cups of coffee and the clock to read at least 10am before I can think of such things lol! But there I was talking math in bed at 8am............
Abigail has been at the table making candy canes out of red and white pipe idea why!!!! Sam has been sat playing with play doh which he loves...we also read his tractor book and he played with his dinosaurs...............
Chris has been using his Lego Moviemaker......a few weeks back he phoned Lego and asked how he could buy a replacement cd rom to go with the newer computers.............they said they'd send him one FREE!!!! So he has waited and waited and yesterday it arrived!!! So he is busy making Lego movies again.......Lego Movie Maker came with all kinds of scene backdrops and characters, the movie camera, editing software etc etc....they love it!
Laurence opened the pack of moon sand that I bought and he played with that for a while, molding it dry and then floating bits in water........we're not very impressed with moon sand to be honest.......I think its a waste of ind of looks like cotton candy when its been squashed and gone can't really do much with it...............
Susannah has been playing with our rabbits........playing with Sam.............playing with Abbys crafts and Lauries moon sand and just pottering they are tidying up the basement as Laurie will be sleeping down there with his friends tonight................
I need to clean the fridge today...................and do a couple of loads of laundry probably......but apart from that I don't plan on doing much.........................lazy day......quiet day...............we have a busy day tomorrow to face so I'm happy being home seeing no one today :)
23 hours ago