Aug 18, 2006

Imitrex and Topomax........................TGIF

Its Friday!!!! Woohoo................and I am STAYING HOME!!!!!!!!!!!

I am just soooo may not seem like we've been that busy this last week but for me it's difficult to be out doing stuff every day........I get migraines when my routine changes.....when I rush about and my breathing changes my migraines every night this week I have had the start of a migraine...luckily I have managed to only take Imitrex once.....I have other things I try first before resorting to Imitrex as I am not allowed to take more than one a week and ideally should be limited to 2 a month.

Imitrex is like the lesser of two evils....the side effects are works by shrinking your blood vessels leaves every nerve ending on your body painful to can't chew, swallow....your chest feels can't touch your can't rest an elbow on a can't brush your hair...rub your eyes....everything hurts......this lasts for a couple of hours...

As bad as the die effects are though...its wonderful because two hours of hell is nothing compared to 18 hours of vomiting........20 hours of head pain...not being able to cope with light, sounds, smells......even movement...if anyone wobbles the bed during a migraine its awful.....

Please don't compare a migraine to a headache.....they are nothing like headaches.....I don't get many headaches but I can get 2 or 3 migraines a the early years I was hospitalized with migraines...I thought I was dying...that was before they were diagnosed.......they thought I had meningitis......or kidney failure (often during a migraine your bowels and bladder switch off so you don't pee and your stomach stops working so digestion ceases.................

People with migraines often have trigger factors..they vary from person to person.....mine tend to be tiredness, change of routine, stress and the biggy is hormones............I also have to watch my blood sugar levels..........

I have been on Imitrex for 4 years now and it has changed my life.......only twice in that time has it not worked............

I am considering going on Topomax though which is a take it daily......I used to be on a preventative but it made me fatigued.......left me with no energy and makes you gain weight.......Topomax is newer so might be better..............

I inherited my migraines from my Dad and my Son Laurence has inherited them from me.........mine started at 17 and will probably lst until menopause.............they can improve then.......childhood migraines often cease in adult hood so that could be good for Laurie..........he doesn't take meds but sleeps them off.................he vomits once or twice normally but can feel better within an hour or two...we have to be careful about things like sleepovers and missing meals because late nights and getting hungry are two of his triggers.............

I am not sure I have 'auras' as such but I do know the signs that a migraine is coming.......I start yawning ( a lot!!!) which is the brains way of getting extra oxygen...........and I get starving hungry suddenly......

Lloyd is always reminding me to keep snacks with the car and in my bag etc........and that I should have meds with me.....he also gives me great massages which really Doctor explained how.....Lloyd also nags me to eat regularly, get plenty of sleep and rest and has generally learnt how to help me get as few attacks as possible........we have made our life as a family as stress free as possible........DD and I start our yoga class this Fall too which should really help.....

And Lloyd works with Doctors and Pharmacists so he's finding out as much as he can about Topomax to see whether I should try it out..................
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