Mar 14, 2007

I stopped procrastinating.... has taken me a year to do this.......I wrote an Email to the local community league get a scrapbooking group started....once a month at my home.....and if enough people are interested then we will move it to the community hall.......

It will go in the April newsletter if there is space.....and I really hope someone would be so great to have a group here in our little village...

I picked up the latest newsletter yesterday and I see they are having a monthly family movie have to take your own lawn chair or beanbag to sit in (lol) and they sell refreshments...they are showing 'Happy Feet' I will take the kids to see that :)

I LOVE living here most of the time.......if winters were like last years winter I would NEVER leave.....this winter has been horrid BUT it is almost over and I am back to LOVING it here :)

I've been here a year now and know quite a few people around and they know me in the store now and at the school and at the hall and when we are out and about I see people who KNOW's such a tiny community and I really love it :)

I hope someone replies to my ad!!!!
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