Mar 14, 2007


The Edmonton Journal has this fabby section where they print things from people who write in to vent about situations/ people/ news etc etc......I LOVE reading these complaints and whines and moans because many of them I can totally empathise with :)

Yesterday someone wrote something like:

My husband needed shampoo and bandaids. He went to London Drugs and bought just shampoo and bandaids. How does he do that?

I think this is hilarious and so so true! Lloyd needs shampoo - he goes in and buys shampoo. Gets it and pays and leaves.

I need shampoo? I go in, stroll around, look at the magazines, put one in my basket......maybe get some bubble bath......sniff the perfumes.......maybe buy a card or two.....oooh look what they have on special!!!! Hhhmmmmm I think we need some candy.......ooooh I like that nail what was I in here for? Oh yes! Shampoo!! Hmmm maybe I will get some conditiner and a hair colour too......oh and we need bandaids.....Dora or Barbie...oh hell we'll get both.....

And I walk out with several bags of 'stuff'......

So yep...I can totally relate to this vent :)
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