Jun 16, 2007

Michelles question....

Michelle 'Craftybanshee' asked:
Where do you see yourself in 5 years time? In the same house? In Canada or elsewhere?

I think with everything that has happened in the last few weeks (Lloyds work, my work etc etc) I think we will still be living in this house in 5 years time.......I don't think much will have changed.....hopefully I will have a nice bathroom by then...maybe even the new master bedroom......I can dream about the swimming pool........but I can see that happening as much as I can see a Ferrari happening lol! sigh!

I hope the children are all still healthy and happy....I hope we all are....

Maybe we will have horses by then....I don't know....

I really don't think we will have moved anywhere else by then.....but who knows.....

Lloyd has a two year contract where he is now....and his business is growing so fast now that I can't see us moving in 5 years - probably in 10....but who knows......

Lloyds looking at buying land in New Brunswick...but more for investment than to live there......

Sam will be in school then and I'm not sure what I will be doing.....I'll wait and see how teaching preschool goes I guess...maybe stick with that little job for two days a week....

I don't plan that far ahead though...I don't mind change at all...I don't mind moving here there or wherever......I kind of take it as it comes ;)

I'm guessing we will still be here in 5 years...but I really don't know......no idea :) I'm happy right now and life seems to just happen so I'll just ride along and see what happens!
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