Outside My Window... frogs are still croaking...the sun is shining...the grass is COVERED in dandelions and it's like a sea of yellow - it's sooooo pretty.
I am thinking...about everything I learned in SR1 and going over my Timeline and and all the journaling I did and thinking about how far I've come....I am preparing for SR2 and I can't wait to begin and look towards the future...so exciting :)
I am thankful for...Kathy and her kindness in giving me the 'She Had Three Hearts' class....which I am loving and learning sooooo much from!!! 28 videos!!!!! In just the first week! And each video had sooooo many new techniques in it!!! So many new products to try out!! I am sooo inspired.
From the kitchen...Laurence is back in cake baking mode.....Abigail made cinnamon buns yesterday....Abigail also made a pasta dish for supper last night.
I am wearing...clothes
I am creating...art journal pages for the class I am taking 'She Had three Hearts' - a Christy Tomlinson class. It's wonderful!!
I am going...to go and start on week twos class work now :)
I am reading...I haven't had time to be reading, because I have had 28 videos to watch this week as part of my online class!!!
I am hoping...to sell all the quads and the trailer in the next few weeks...
I am hearing... Sam chatting about the little spider in the window...and the journal he is writing in...Abigail chatting about the Build A Bear kit she is working on....the air conditioning running quietly in the background...for some reason yesterday the upstairs got REALLY hot yesterday even though the temperature outside wasn't super hot...so I have the ac running for a while again. We didn't need it on last week as it was cooler.
Around the house...my toilet got blocked a few days ago from me flushing kleenex down it....oops...stupid snake didn't work....tried enzymes and they helped a bit but not fabulously.....but then we bought the two second plumber and WOW!!! that thing was amazing! Two seconds and the blockage was GONE!!
One of my favorite things...The movie 'Bridesmaids' that I saw on Saturday with Susannah - I haven't laughed soooo much in forever!! It was HILARIOUS!!! I am still laughing about scenes from that movie :) I will be driving along and will suddenly remember a scene and start laughing :) It has some lovely moments about friendship and relationships too but really the sheer release of just laughing out loud for two whole hours was wonderful!!
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week...We have two homeschool parkdays this week - one in Sherwood Park and one in Leduc. I'm hoping to make it to the farmers market this week as last week I was ill and it was also raining. I have a couple of other field trips planned but not sure for when...and I want to take Susannah to have her ears done and Laurence to the driving range....
21 hours ago