I am currently taking part in Shimelles class 'Learn Something New Every Day', and todays prompt was to write 'Ten on the Tenth' - a list of ten things I have learned from........(fill in the blank)
So, here is my list:
Ten Things I have learned from my marriage break-up:
1. Everything that happens teaches us valuable lessons.
2. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. And boy I am soooo much stronger now :)
3. I actually LIKE being single - I think I actually prefer it.
4. That I'm a great driver and really LOVE driving.
5. That I'm a great Mom now that I can parent the way I WANT to parent rather than trying to please someone else. No longer having to keep the kids silent after 10pm. Having to tell them off for playing or laughing in case it bothered 'someone'. Knowing they can have friends stay over any time :) Can relax with their feet up in their own home...
7. I have some AMAZING friends :)
8. I am MORE than capable of making decisions, choices, and doing pretty much anything - or getting someone who can help....
9. I love art and am actually good at it - and I would have never discovered that if my marriage didn't break up!
10. I have learned what REAL love is :)
5 days ago