Sep 10, 2012

For today....

Outside my window...It is grey, dull, windy, rainy and COLD!!!  Only 8c which is such a crazy difference from the 27c yesterday!!

I am thinking...of all kinds of interesting places to go on field trips.

I am thankful...for my amazing group of friends who make life fabulous :)

In the kitchen...baked potatoes are cooking in the oven ready for supper.  The crock pot has been back in use in the last week too.

I am jeans, rust coloured long sleeved T and a knitted shawl style sweater.

I am creating...a face a day for September, a 'Learn Something New Every Day' album to follow along with Shimelles class, a fabulous and fun Semester for the kids.

I am pick up a load of boxes from my friends house tomorrow night, that she saved for me from her house move.

I am wondering...what the weather will be like for the rest of the week as we have several plans that involve being outdoors.

I am reading...with Sam, reading with Sam AND Abby, and reading a book just for me - mainly in the evenings in the bath - which is how I switch off :)

I am hoping...we have a mild winter again.

I am looking forward to...climbing into a hot bath after supper.

I am different it is to write for young adults as opposed to adults.

Around the house...slowly getting back into a routine after the Summer - and having a de-clutter ready for the curriculum swap on Thursday.

I am pondering...why people do the things they do...

A favorite quote for today...Life is good :)

One of my favorite things...Fall boots, sweaters and socks :)  

A few plans for the rest of the week:  skateboard park with friends tomorrow.  Curriculum sale and swap on Thursday.  Whyte Ave carnival on Sunday.....not sure what else....

A peek into my day...

Me in my Daughters dirty mirror and messy bedroom :)  
Dressed for Fall today as it was cold and horrid out!

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