Jan 29, 2010

Trying again!!!

A couple of weeks ago, Rhona very kindly sent me this magazine and dvd from England.  I had mentioned that I had tried crochet and although I can do one long foundation row, I can't get started on the second row!!!  Susannah and Abigail were also very excited when this magazine arrived, and we headed out and chose new yarn for them to have a go!  

Susannah tried but didn't like crochet!  Susie either likes something or she doesn't!  Abigail though LOVES crochet and within a short while had a very long tail of foundation despite me telling her not to do it too long as we need to focus on the second row!  

We are still struggling with that second row - but today - now that the birthdays and anniversary are out of the way and I can think straight for a little while - we are going to sit and watch the dvd again and try to figure it out again!!!

We've tried Youtube videos and crochet websites but I can't see clearly enough where the hook goes or what to do....when I actually do it, it just ends up in a blob and is wrong.  Hhhmmph!  Here's hoping I can figure it out today!  Wish me luck!

Thanks so much Rhona - the magazine was a great help and Abigail and Susannah were even able to follow the directions in it to get themselves started!  

I will add more pictures - including Abigails long crochet later :)
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