I weighed in this morning. I've lost 4.1lbs which I'm pleased with, BUT Aunt Flo arrived today so 4.1lbs when I have had PMS is REALLY good :) so yes! I am feeling pleased with myself!
I am treating myself tonight with a big glass of wine :) And thats ok because for much of today I was too busy to eat :) maybe thats the secret of being slim.....get a job!!!! :)
I was thinking today...so few of my friends have good relationships or marriages...these days I always feel like an oddity because Lloyd and I are so close and so happy together.....but today I met a couple who just seem so happy and so in love. It was wonderfull refreshing to see :)
As of today, I am a working Mom!!!! All be it a work-at-home mom! Lloyd made a joke about being in shock because its the first day of work for me in .....many years......lol! Actually he said in 34 years!!!!! hahahahaha sooooo funny! Rolle eyes!!! Anyway I joked that as I have been working all day he should cook dinner! So he did! :)
So my first photo shoot has been done....I've learnt a few things and I've gained a lot of confidence. All the pictures are on CD ready to go to the client and I am really pleased with them :) The studio pictures especially!
All in all a very good, yet exhausting, day!!
23 hours ago